Microboundary strategies for work-life balance. Through our research, we have created a booklet of strategies that can help you feel more in control of your boundaries between work and non-work. This manual gives you enough information about the theory behind each strategy, step-by-step guidance, and also tips on how to self-experiment to find the best solution for you (for example, using the diary below). Click here to download the manual.

Self-Study Diary on Communication Habits: this diary (in Excel format) will help you keep track of your communication practices and gain insights into your daily habits. For example, you might discover that work doesn’t interrupt your non-work time as often as you think. Click here to download the diary.

Changing Academic Life podcast – Interview with Dr Anna Cox on family, work & strategies for making the changes we want, presenting among other things, some of the work from Digital Boundaries project. Click here to listen to the podcast.